We would love to invite you to attend a FREE workshop to begin building your confidence in playing music in a small Adult String Ensemble.
During the workshop we will work on the following material:
- Warm-ups and simple scale patterns
- 3 x Celtic folk tunes
- 1 x fun medieval folk tune
- 2 x Christmas Carols
If you are a SWM student, the ensemble music will be provided during week 1 at your first lesson of term 4 and is chosen to develop your musicianship skills so you can build your confidence to play in a multi-level ensemble. If you are a non SWM student, please email louise.king@swmusic.org.au for you copy of the music.
The Adult String Ensemble is scheduled to perform as a group in the next Student Showcase on Friday 4th November 6-7pm. The Student Showcases are informal and are all about giving students an opportunity to give their music they have been learning a try-out on stage in a positive and supportive learning environment.
Please RSVP and confirm your availability for both events below by Monday 17th October. Please email louise.king@swmusic.org.au
WHAT: String Program Workshop
WHEN: Thursday 20th October 10am-12pm
WHERE: SWM RC Cressy Street Main Auditorium
WHO: Adult String Program Students
BYO: Instrument, music folder, share plate for morning tea
WHAT: Student Showcase
WHEN: Friday 4th November 6-7pm
WHERE: SWM RC Cressy Street Main Auditorium
WHO: Adult String Program Students
BYO: Instrument, music folder, share plate for morning post concert nibbles