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George Maddison Retires...

George Maddison has retired from the South West Music Regional Conservatorium as our woodwinds teacher. We would like to thank George for his hard work and dedication over the years. We wish him all the best.

George started playing the piano at the age of 6 and has loved and played music ever since. He studied clarinet under AMEB Examiner Edward Oxley and went on to serving 10 years as a musician in the army band. During this service that he attended the Defence Force School of Music. He has been teaching music for 25 years and teaches principally Flute, Clarinet, and Saxophone and is a member of the Australian Band and Orchestra Directors Association.

We had a chat to George about his time with the Conservatorium. Here is what George had to say...

  • How long have you been with the South West Music Regional Conservatorium and in what roles?

I was engaged by SWM back in 2016 at the start of the 4 Term to teach clarinet, saxophone and flute students that had enrolled in the "Music Matters" Program which was an initiative of the Diocese of Wagga Wagga for the 60 odd schools in the Diocese. This was an excellent program run by the capable and energetic Fionuala O’Shaunassy and incorporated school bands being formed in all the schools involved. Each band had a Woodwind (clarinet, flute, sax) Brass (trumpet, trombone) and Percussion (glockenspiel, drum kit etc.) Sections.

Each school band attended an annual music camp at Borambola which was the highlight each year. It was bedlam but probably the most rewarding, enjoyable, and satisfying times in my career. The kids were just sensational!

  • What made you get involved with the organisation?

Although a long time member and previous Board Member, I first became involved as a tutor when approached by the then Director, Damien Johnson to teach the Woodwind students enrolled in the “Music Matters” Program. My passion has been working with instrumental students and organising and teaching bands. I had previously organised concert bands at Hay War Memorial High School and Finley High School. Here was the chance to do this again, an offer I couldn’t refuse.

  • What is your most fond memory at SWM?

Two memories stand out. Firstly the Borambola Music Camps. Secondly, the Tutors Concerts we used to put on, especially the 2019 edition. Playing with top musos is always the best fun.

Jerilderie Students at Borambola - 2019


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