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Live Music Concert Series 2025

To start off the year we will host Tristan Lee. Tristan is an Australian concert pianist rapidly gaining international recognition for his distinctive style and musicianship. He has a large and interesting repertoire of music from classical to contemporary, with specific focus on 19th century and romantic piano repertoire. Tristan is a widely sought after musician so we are very lucky to have secured him as part of our concert series in 2025. We also plan to have a workshop and artist meet & greet for the community learn about Tristans extensive music education & performance background.


In April, we will be celebrating Easter with a mini concert tour for our youngest community members. Jemma Armstrong from ABC Kids specialises in early childhood music education. With the support of the Edward River Council, Jemma will be embarking on a mini tour around the region. The tour will consist of 9 performances and workshops. We want stops to include Deniliquin, Blighty, Conargo, Pretty Pine, Wanganella and Bunnaloo. We are passionate about taking music out to our smaller communities to expose them to music and music education and we feel very strongly about encouraging music in young children. This tour is a great example of both of these things. The performances will be aimed at 3 to 7 year olds… stimulating their young minds with music - sparking creativity, imagination and generating special moments for children in rural and remote areas.


In May, Christian Ruiz will be doing a solo concert. Christian is our very passionate and highly skilled guitar and multi instrumental teacher. He also plays bass guitar, ukulele, recorder and flute, has also ventured into composition, improvisation and music production. More recently he has been learning the clarinet and saxophone. For our Deniliquin locals here today, you may have seen Christian recently sharing his music with the community through our local café tour initiative. South American acoustic guitarists are known for their unique characteristics, reflecting on the region’s rich cultural heritage and musical traditions.


In June, we have partnered with Music In The Regions to bring you the Penny String Quartet. Music In The Region’s vision very much aligns with ours. Their vision is that all people in New South Wales will enjoy the ability to experience a range of high quality classical music concerts. With diverse individual backgrounds and experiences across the globe, the Penny Quartet brings together years of knowledge and training to create a mature quartet sound. The Penny Quartet's repertoire is wide and varied; a love for the core quartet repertoire is intertwined with an urge to explore less charted territory. We are honoured to be partnering with a company like Music In The Regions and are very excited for the Penny Quartet to visit Deniliquin as part of their regional tour.


For the colder winter months we will be running our of Lunchtime Classical concerts. Our partnership with the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music is now in its third year and is going from strength to strength. We will be welcoming the Melbourne Conservatoriums senior, prize winning chamber musicians. For those who attended the Yarra Winds concert earlier in the year, you know how high the standard of music is. Not only are we entertained by top class musicians, we are giving students performance opportunities, touring opportunities and teaching them about the importance of music in regional and rural communities. We also plan to run workshops around these concert dates for various community & school groups in the area to inspire and educate students about music and learning.


In the springtime, we will host another jazz event. Many of your attended our recent jazz concert at The Crossing last month. The Crossing is a wonderful example of a local business. It is businesses like these we want to support and collaborate with. We plan to do a similar thing again next year… Jazz & sunshine are a fabulous combination.


We plan to launch our 2026 event calendar in November again. This will be another classical music event with more details to come throughout the year.


In additional to our concert series events, we will also be hosting a variety of student recitals and showcases throughout the year. We are also very fortunate to have strong relationships with other community groups and plan to partner on as many projects as possible to expose as many people in the community to music & music education.


 The 2025 subscriptions will stay at the same price as 2024 which is $120. Subscriptions give you access to all of our events throughout the year. All money raised from subscription sales goes into putting on the concert series events. To purchase, please visit the Conservatorium or email



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